Tuesday, August 28, 2012

{ the Martin's & the Buck's } |family|

I had the priviledge recently to capture family portraits for a few families that are very near and dear to my heart.  When my husband and I first moved to Pampa and didn't know a soul, we were taken to a local church for Easter Sunday.  Here enters the Buck Family.  Jeremy is the Pastor of Redeemer Church in Pampa, TX, and his beautiful wife Karmen can be found right along side of him on Sunday morning and throughout the week to help love, support, encourage, and teach the word of God to all whom they chance to meet. They also have a precious daughter Karsen (who is my oldest daughter's BFF).  The other wonderful people you are about to meet are the Martin families.  Karmen's parents, James and Janet; as well as Karmen's brother Ky, his wife Emily, and their adorable young son Jackson.

 Please let me take a minute of your time to explain how we came to know these wonderful people, and the permanent impact that they have made in our lives.  When we first arrived in this area we were desperately in need of not only friends, but also a support system.  An unexpected illness struck me soon after our arrival and we were left with no-one to turn to for child care except for our new church family.  I am so thankful that they didn't hesitate to answer our call and they so graciously stepped up to the plate! Through our church, we have also been blessed to have the opportunity to enter into Gospel Community groups.  Now take everything you love and fear about a traditional bible study and throw it out the window.  These groups are anything but traditional, and are exactly what they sound like.  Sure we usually take the time to discuss Bible verses and try to understand how these scriptures are at work in our own lives, but they are truly also a community.  We laugh together, cry together, overcome obstacles together and make it through day to day life together.  These people become your "family".  "Friend" is simply not a strong enough word to describe the bond that you develop when you are truly able to share your lives together.  Through our involvement in these groups, we have been able to reach out into our Church community and really get to know so many people on more than just a "Sunday morning" level, and isn't that what church family is all about? Knowing one another, lifting each other up, and sharing your walk with God.  I would like to say a tremendous thank you to these precious families for taking us in when we needed it, for lifting us up, and for encouraging us!  We are truly blessed to call you friends!  Oh, and if your in the area, come by Redeemer Church one Sunday.  We'd really love to have you as a part of our family!

Isn't he just adorable?!

I just love her curls and blue eyes!!

{ Nicole & Brandon} |married|

This was the wedding of longtime friends, Nicki & Brandon.  These two are truly like peas in a pod, and to see their two families blending to become one was a joy that I can hardly contain!  I was blessed enough to capture their family portraits about a year ago, and it was truly an honor to be asked to capture their memories on their special day!  The day wasn't without hiccups, however.  Massive storms had been rolling through the area for two days, and come time for the wedding, one decided to hover right over the top of tiny little Boyd, TX.  Many guests were unable to attend due to severe flooding on the local roads, and even my long pants were quickly rolled up and shoes discarded (I lost a borrowed flip flop in the mud midway through the ceremony and decided it was safer to go sans shoes). What was meant to be an outdoor wedding was quickly shifted into an indoor barn affair with the dedication and attention of several close friends/family.  Their efforts paid off, the venure was simple, rustic, and beautiful!  The bride and groom, (who probably should have been slightly more frazzled due to the weather) accepted the inevitable with open arms and understanding that come what may, they were going to marry their best friend that day, and all the rain simply meant many years of happiness for them!  While more creative portrait notions quickly took a backseat in favor of remaining dry and mud free in the one room venue,  we did what we could with what we had, and I love the outcome!  If eyes could sing, ya'lls were!  Nicole and Brandon, I am truly blessed to know you both, and I wish many, many, years of love, happiness, and joy for you both, you deserve it! Congratulations, and thanks again for trusting me with your memories!  Please click on a photo to view it larger, and I would love to hear your comments!

Isn't she breathtaking?!

I have NEVER been sooo excited to see a short wedding dress... and I love how out of the ordinary they are anyway!

I love this photo.  There was no "perfect angle" for all the little heads and arms, but that makes this all the more special!  All of the kids had their own bottle of unity sand to mix in with mom and dad's!

Their kiddos are so sweet!

All of the family that braved the elements to share in this special day!

Love this!

It's hard to tell for all the hay on the ground, but that slightly darker area right below where the bride and groom are standing is all ankle deep mud.  Yes, I'm standing in it. :)

WooHoo!  Official at last!

This guy's name is Colt West, he's an incredibly talented Texas Country singer/songwriter.  I highly recommend looking him up to hear his stuff!

Monday, August 27, 2012

{Abby & Noel} |romance|

I've been fortunate enough to call the beautiful Miss Abby B. my friend for many years now.  She's not only gorgeous, and a very talented singer, but she is also an incredibly intelligent, hard working, and caring young woman as well.  When she asked me to capture her with her love (the handsome Mr. Noel T.) I could have squealed with joy!!  After the excitement started to wear down enough for me to focus, the ideas for this shoot began to flow!  She wanted Vintage. Done... A quick "shopping spree" to her mom's house and we were set for that portion.  But, I had another idea for this session.  One that I figured would be best to "test the waters" with someone I knew well.  And who better to make my vision come to life than my sweet friend!  I'd be lying if I said there was no bribery involved in asking my friend go swimming in the lake for the sake of a portrait, however, the promise of "it will be worth it" paid off big time!  Abby, I love to see the happiness that you and Noel share!  Your obvious joy with each other is infectious and I wish for that happiness to last you both a lifetime!  Noel, it was a pleasure to meet you! Thank you for being so completely nonchalant about our scheming!  Please continue to take great care of my wonderful friend!{Abby & Noel} |romance|